Day of the Seafarer #27 <Chief Officer, Kim Seungju(김승주)>작성자: 강정인 조회 수: 292
Day of the Seafarer 2022
Her voyage Story #27 of WIMA Korea - Then and Now
Sharing her journey of Chief Officer, Kim Seungju(김승주)
She began her first voyage as Apprentice Officer on KMOU training ship in 2015. After graduation from KMOU, she had been working on container ship since 2017.
Now, she is a Chief Officer of container ship. Also, she is a writer. She wrote her book 'I am 27-years-old and a second officer' in 2019. She has her Youtube channel and instagram page where she posts her poems with some pictures. She wants to communicate with lots of women in maritime community.
THEN : 2015. Apprentice Officer in training ship (대학교 3학년 실습선 실습항해사)
NOW : 2022. Chief Officer in Container Ship (컨테이너선 일등항해사)